Student Union Champions 

Andrea Neville - Curriculum & Quality Champion

I joined the college student union to help ensure that the voice of the students was heard and that the college was continually meeting the expectations of the students. It is also an amazing opportunity to work with like-minded people on projects running throughout the year that aim to make a difference in the college community. 

Samantha England - Equality and Diversity Champion

I joined Student Union because I liked the fact that I could make a difference and stand up for what I believe in. It was also an exciting opportunity to learn new skills. 

Henry Benson - Inspire Champion 

I joined USP because I had a lot of ambition and aspirations for the future, I trusted the courses I was taking would develop my skills and allow me to progress further into my desired profession. I am enjoying my courses that I am taking and I have all faith that USP will help me along the way.

Nicole Dragos - Charity & Social Champion 

I joined the student union because I saw it as an opportunity to give a voice to those who were silenced. My aim is to make sure that everyone's voice is heard and that any issues are brought up by the students are dealt with, not sidelined. I am looking forward to working closer with the college as well as other students in order to make everyones college experience the best it can possibly be. :)

Florentina Cramaroc - Charity & Social Champion 

The reason why I have applied for the Student Union is because of Coronavirus. I have seen a lot of people in College which are not respecting the rules which is disturbing and I do want to make a change. I also applied the Charity student Union because I like helping the college in anyways possible and the idea of Charity is made me apply straight away. 


Fanni Toth - Foundation Champion


I joined the Student Union because I wanted to help people. I remember being so upset about things in my school and not being able to change it, even when I told my teachers, they wouldn’t do a anything about it. So, I am so happy to be the person who gets the help others, whether it’s in my championship area, or passing a message onto another champion. I am very excited about the projects that are happening this year, and any that are to come in the future.


Dagomir Wojcik - Communications Champion 


I have been gunning for a role which involves me having to do more than just learn. I want to put my skills to the test to see how much I can improve the college.  It is my responsibility to promote Student Union activity and therefore I will commit to this and the other roles I play in the college.

